As informed by MTR Corporation, Airport Express service has been resumed from 1430hrs on 5 October 2019. Airport-bound Airport Express trains will only take passengers from Hong Kong Station to the airport, while city-bound Airport Express service from the airport will only stop at Hong Kong Station until close of service. Airlines may resume their in-town check-in services at Hong Kong Station subject to manpower availability. Passengers are advised to check with their respective airlines for the latest arrangements.
Access control at the terminal buildings of HKIA is being implemented. Only bona fide passengers with a valid air ticket or boarding pass for a flight in the next 24 hours and a valid travel document will be allowed to enter the terminal buildings. Airport security and AA staff will be deployed to Hong Kong Station of Airport Express Line to assist checks with travellers heading to the airport regarding required documents or proof.
Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA) will continue to work closely with the airport community and public transport operators to ensure the smooth operations of Hong Kong International Airport. Passengers are advised to pay close attention to the latest traffic information and allow sufficient time to travel to the airport.
Passengers can also check with their respective airlines, or the airport’s website and “HKG My Flight” mobile app for updated flight information.
Quelle: Hong Kong International Airport